John and I completed our first 5K run together on Sunday, October 10th. We set out to prepare for this race with our friend Audrey several months ago. I joined a workout group in June in an effort to get back into better shape after having the girls. During class we started running some and then more and more. In the beginning I pretty much hated the running parts of class but after a couple of week began to like it more and more.
Kelly and Audrey |
The Susan G. Komen race is a cause I really believe in, so Audrey and I decided we would work toward being able to run the 5K. For me that seemed nearly an impossible goal since I couldn't even run a mile in high school. John started helping me run. Even with all the trials with Sophie over the last 3 months, John and I or Audrey and I found some time to run.
Starting the race |
We woke the kids up early on Sunday, fed them in the car and drove to downtown Phoenix for the race. I knew there would be a lot of people, but it was amazing how many people were there wearing pink and race bibs. Our race started at 8:20am but we didn't even cross the start line until 8:25 because the line was so long. We finished the race just before 9am. The girls did great! We ran nearly the whole race. At times it was hard to run because there were so many people. It was a great personal and family accomplishment to cross the finish line. We plan to make it an annual race for our family.
Running in during the race |
Sophie playing after the race |
Zoe playing by the stroller |