Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sophia's Tubes and Adenoidectomy

This morning we took Sophie to the Banner Desert Surgery Center to have her non-functioning ear tubes removed, a new set put in and to have her adenoids removed.

Long story short her tubes were no longer functioning and she has had 6 ear infections since November with 2 being in the warmer months. So perfect candidate for not only a new set of tubes but also to have her adenoids removed. The doctor told us that research has shown if they remove the enlarged adenoids that her chances of having a 3rd set of tubes is significantly less.

The adenoids usually is enlarged in children with recurrent ear infections like her. When it is enlarged, it blocks the eustachian tubes from being able to drain properly resulting in bacteria remaining in the middle ear and it becoming infected.

Sophie sleeping in recovery
When Dr. McKenna performed the surgery, he said she did have fluid in both ears and the adenoids were enlarged as he suspected. Surgery last about 45 minutes and went well. We were in recovery with her for about 2 1/2 hours. She was not settling very well so they gave her some additional Demerol twice which eventually made her go back to sleep. Her face and tongue were pretty swollen which made it had for her to communicate at all. She eventually woke up enough and took a couple of sips of apple juice so they would let us go home with her.

She has been a real trooper all day long. I was amazed with her not being able to eat or drink for 8 hours prior to the surgery how well she did. Praise the Lord for a successful surgery and her recovery.

She actually ate pizza tonight. I was amazed. I really thought about noon today that she wouldn't end up eating at all today but she had some pudding, yogurt ice cream and even pizza. Way to go!

She was pretty tired all of today so we will see how she is after a good night sleep.
Sophie sleeping on the couch
Sophie in the car on the way home

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Katie gets her ear tubes

On Saturday Katie had surgery to insert tubes into both of her ears. She is pretty young to have the surgery. Her doctor said he has done children as young as 2 months but it isn't often a 4-month-old needs tubes. She had her 3rd ear infection on our Texas trip so we all felt it was time to have tubes. It really helped Sophie with her ear infections when she got them a couple of years ago.

Katie wasn't allowed to eat for 8 hours prior to the surgery. John and I were a little nervous about that since she is still solely breastfed and still eats once in the middle of the night. She did great. Surgery was scheduled for 7am so I fed her at 10:30pm Friday night. She woke up a little fussy shortly before we were ready to leave the surgery center about 5:30am. She did amazing not being able to eat and being awake. She actually fell back asleep in my arms while the doctor was briefing us on what was going to happen.

From the time they took her back for surgery to the time Dr. McKenna came out was only 10 minutes. He had mentioned he would work as quickly as he could because he wanted her out as briefly as possible. She had general anesthesia and he said children her age go to sleep very quickly but can also decline really quickly if they don't handle it well so he wanted it as brief as possible. By the time we were done talking with the doctor she was in recovery waking up and crying. It isn't fun when a child comes out of anesthesia because they are really disoriented. Dr. McKenna said he removed a lot of thick mucus from her ear so she will be able to hear better. They let us leave within 15 minutes in recovery and she finally calmed down once we were in the car. She slept a lot the rest of the day. What a trooper!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dental visits

Sophie getting her teeth cleaned
Today I took Zoe and Sophia to the dentist. This was Zoe's 3rd or 4th visit. She had a couple early visits due to her chipped front tooth. She got her teeth cleaned and did really well. Clean teeth and no cavities.

Sophie went with us to the dentist about 6 months ago for the first time and barely allowed the doctor to look at her teeth. This time she was such a big girl and let them clean her teeth and then take a good look at all of them.

I was so proud of both of them. Katie also did great waiting for her sisters to be done.