Thursday, November 12, 2009

Road Rash

Well, Zoe has done it again. Today at the end of our Stroller Strides class she lost her balance, fell off the edge of the sidewalk and face-planted into the parking lot. Poor girl just keeps injuring herself. At least this one won't be as long-lasting as the tooth incident. With the help of another mom holding Sophia we were able to get the bleeding stopped and her to stop crying.

Felt so bad for her when she woke herself up from her nap by rubbing her face on the sheets. Started bleeding again which then led to an afternoon of a very tired little girl with her face hurting. On top of all that she is getting two more teeth. Oh what an adventure motherhood is.

My prayer currently is she at least slow down on the injuries and not take after her dad quite so much in this area.


  1. Oh dear! That reminds me of when Caleb did that once. He had a huge scab under his nose for the longest time. Looked just like Hitler!

  2. OUCH!!!!
    I feel her pain just looking at her nose. I so can relate to "her waking herself up from her nap by rubbing her face on the sheets". After PJ's lip surgery, he too kept wanting to rub his face on our shoulder when burping him or against his blanket when sleeping - oh so painful.

    Hoping today is a better day! Hugs.
