Friday, April 1, 2011

What a Week!

I can really relate to the expression TGIF this week. It has been a pretty busy week for our family.

We started out on Sunday learning that both our girls had head lice. What it takes to get rid of the lice is not necessarily difficult, just very time consuming. Washing all the sheets in the house, all the girls' blankets, their bears and bunny and placing all other stuffed toys in a garbage bag to be put away for a few weeks. Changing the sheets the first few days every time they slept in their beds and then again laundry. Thorough cleanings of their hair, plus olive oil treatment with a seriously fine tooth comb and then strand by strand inspections. On Monday we discovered John and I had it also - thankfully not bad cases.

The inspections and combing continued all week while Sophie started running a high fever on Monday. To the doctor on Wednesday to find out she has strep. To add to all the fun Sophie pulled her elbow out while we where trying to leave for the doctors office Wednesday morning. The doctor tried twice to put it back in place and she still would not use it and complained a lot so we spent the rest of the morning getting x-rays. Praise the Lord they showed nothing was wrong! She was still not using the arm on Thursday and Zoe was starting to run a fever, so back to the doctor. The doctor tried the procedure again to put her elbow back and said if she didn't start using it by Monday to see a pediatric orthopedic. Zoe also has strep.

I have to say God sure gives us the strength needed to get through weeks like this. Praise God that Sophie started using her arm again today and she seems to be feeling much better. Zoe is still on her road to recovery but I know all will be well soon.

In spite of all the challenges this week I know and feel God's strength.

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