Friday, April 13, 2012

Zoe turns 4!

This year Zoe started talking about her birthday back in December when some of her friends where turning 4. Last year was fun because she started understanding her birthday, but this year was even better because she was able to help plan her birthday. She decided on a Tangled theme and picked the big Disney princess castle bounce house instead of the other choice of Toy Story. Daddy is coming around to the idea of Princess stuff around our house. She has started to get into dress up and reading stories about some of the Disney princesses in the last several months. 

She helped make her invite list this year which is why we had 13 children. She decided who from preschool and church she wanted to invite. She is very excited about her friends these days and unfortunately has started to distinguish between her friends and Sophie's friends.

The pinata was a big hit again. Zoe helped me stuff it full of candy and prizes a few days before the party and then made sure to tell me to put it up where Sophie can't get into it. She knows her sister well. By the time we got to presents she was a little overwhelmed I think. She had so much fun. After all her friends left she had fun playing with her older cousins on both sides of the family. She played the Wii with my brothers boys until bedtime and was sad she had to say goodbye and goodnight but took now time to fall asleep (in moms bed). Successful and fun day sums it up!

On her actual birthday she started out the day at preschool and taking cupcakes to share with her class. When I picked her up she was beaming and wanted me to notice her birthday crown her teacher had given her. She was so cute with it on. After nap she helped me decorate her cupcakes with family for dinner. Then we headed to Peter Piper Pizza to meet Papa, Nana, Mimi and grandma for dinner and a some games. 

Looking back over the last year I am in awe of how much she has not only physically grown but emotionally and intellectually grown. She can recognize hers and sisters names, recognize some other words, write her name and several other letters, recognizes all her letters and know the sounds, can count to at least 25 on her own, can express her feeling and starting to articulate some of her feelings, and has grown out of all her clothes. 

To view all the pictures of her birthday festivities click here

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